ZONES // Pol Kurucz

PHROOM Pol Kurucz

Pol Kurucz is a Franco-Hungarian creative entrepreneur and stage director turned photographer in 2015. Born in Budapest, raised in Paris, he spent most of his life travelling and setting up enterntainment, theater and art related projects in various countries: Portugal, Bahrain, Hungary, Brazil. lately Pol has been focusing on projects launched by his creative base, the kolor art collective.

PHROOM Pol Kurucz

The kolor collective was founded by Pol Kurucz in Budapest, Hungary in 2011 as a cultural production group focused on non-conformist cultural and art events. The collective was then re-launched in Rio de Janeiro, where Pol moved from his previous bases (Bahrain, Portugal, Hungary). The collective abandoned its non-visual projects beginning of 2016 and is now devoted only to its creative photo production. Its mission is to express the group’s opinion about and battles for mainly local, actual issues such as: feminism, Afro culture, consumerism etc. The collective is composed of 7 members: 4 from Rio (casting, styling, set design, photography), 2 from Sao Paulo (lighting, casting, styling),  and one from Budapest (retouching).

PHROOM Pol Kurucz


The ZONES project was launched in 2015 by Pol Kurucz and the kolor art collective. ZONES are photo series each defined by a distinctive design and message. The shootings took place in the collective’s studio in the heart of Rio de Janeiro, in apocalyptic suburban junkyards, palaces and other epic locations. ZONES is inspired by actual social issues, Brazil’s underground drag scene, local fashion designers and artists. Featuring models, celebrities and actors have also heavily influenced the conception of characters and scenes. Mixed with Pol’s theatrical aesthetics, the consistent use of provocation and contrast, the result is a consciously disharmonious samba of glamour and trash. Central to the collective’s principles is questioning normality and exposing the dangers of forced conformity. Pol comes from a multi-minority family and has always had an inner urge to speak against dogmas, preconception, majority bias, something he shares with his collective of local artists and art producers.

PHROOM Pol Kurucz

Pol Kurucz

website: Pol Kurucz

facebook: Pol Kurucz

Instagram: polkurucz

Kolor collective

facebook: Kolor Collective

copyright  © Pol Kurucz, all right reserved

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