PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

Christian Michael Filardo is a Filipino American photographer living and working in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He has exhibited locally and internationally and received his BFA in performance art from Arizona State University. In July 2017 Filardo will release a new photobook in collaboration with composer Angelo Harmsworth, the book is called “The Voyeur’s Gambit”.

PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

505 SOS

Until 2007 the only area code for the entire state of New Mexico was “505”. When approached by PHROOM about my work I wanted to be sure to provide a sequence that was entirely comprised of images from the state where I now live and work. In “505 SOS” I use my flash and the omnipresent light where I live to craft a surreal narrative, based in time, light, and a natural ability to interpret the mundane as otherworldly. Ultimately, this series is about the strange, beautiful, and intriguing nature of the state of New Mexico.

PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

PHROOM magazine online exhibition space dedicated to contemporary fine art photography

website: Christian Filardo

Instagram: christianmichaelfilardo

copyright  © Christian Michael Filardo, all right reserved

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