Never, Never Land


I always think: “What are the real things under the surface of life?” “And now? What would you like to give your life for? ”
But I never imagined finding such a growing vitality in the ruins…

This work was shot in SiChuan (southern China), where my grandmother and my mother were born and raised. In my memory, it is a small village in the nature, a really beautiful land that full of vitality…
But now, it is facing the demolition.People living here must leave their home where they have lived for generations. Because everything is going to be turned into ruins, then rebuilt and become part of the city…
It’s a huge change but is not as dramatic and fast as people think. It is slowly infiltrating their lives, and has become part of their lives…

Bingxuan Li (1993) was born and grew up in XinJiang northwestern China. From 2011, she had lived, worked and studied in Beijing, Bergamo, Florence, and currently based a Milan. Over the years, her studies and works have covered economics, language and literature, philosophy, music, new media art, ceramics, contemporary dance and performance art. And the current main interest and intuition is to travel around the world with the camera, observes and record all colours of life she meet and reproduce them in the form of photography, documentaries and performances.
As an artist and performer, she has recently participated at LE ALLEANZE DEI CORP—Project of urban performance curated by Ariella Vidach and Maria Paola Zedda, at Mudec Museo delle culture and Parco Trotter, Milan, Italy (2019); and with this documentary “NEVER, NEVER LAND” she has participated UTOPIC METHOD 6th international exhibition of video-narration, Granada, Spain(2019), curated by Bruno Muzzolini.



copyright  © Bingxuan Li, all rights reserved

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