Antonis Damolis was born in 1980 in Crete , Greece. He has been shooting pictures in a psychotic manner since 2009. He now lives, works, studies photography and shoots new pictures in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
if a dyke breaks we all die
“With this on-going series of photographs I am trying to document the way the coastline of the Netherlands looks. As an ex-pat myself, and after conversations with other ex-pats from various regions of Europe and the world, living in the Netherlands, i have come to the conclusion that the very idea of living in a country under the sea level creates a somewhat feel of discomfort. Not exactly fear, not exactly anxiety. In any case a feeling totally missing from colleagues and friends who have been born and raised in the Netherlands. This project aims to be a study and maybe visual representation of the lack of this emotion and maybe (who knows) the very presence of it.”
website: Antonis Damolis
Instagram: antonis_damolis
copyright © Antonis Damolis, all right reserved