Alicja Brodowicz was born in Kraków, Poland.
Graduate of the Institute of Creative Photography in Opava (Czech Republic).
Finalist and laureate of photography competitions (IRIS Award – Australia, Photo Annual Awards – Czech Republic, International Photography Awards – USA, 7th Julia Margaret Cameron competition – Great Britain).
Winner of 1st place (portrait category) in Black and White Child Photo Competition.
Honourable mention: International Photography Awards 2015 – Category: Children, MIFA 2015.
Laureate of Debuts 2016 and TIFF Festival Rivers and Roads 2016.
Alicja’s main focus is on subjective documentary and fine art photography.
Visual Exercises
“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.”
Alice Walker
I photograph the human body – the microcosm.
Its’ fragments: hair, scars, texture of skin, wrinkles.
I am interested in individual particularities; I look for distinguishing features and
irregularities. Imperfections are my favourites.
I photograph nature – the macrocosm.
Surface of water, grass, tree bark, dry leaves.
I combine the two images, looking for converging lines, textures, similarities in layout and analogies in composition between the microcosm and the macrocosm. I look for unity between the human body and nature.
Visual Exercises.
website: Alicja Brodowicz
Instagram: alicjabrodowicz
Facebook: Alicja Brodowicz
Flickr: Awdotia
copyright © Alicja Brodowicz, all rights reserved
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