Adriene Hughes is a media artist working in photography and video installation. She is interested in the craft of experimental landscape and the personal of spiritual expression in both photography and moving based imagery. These approaches are based through her experience as a quilter, and her interest in digital technologies. Her goal is to redefine narrative and landscape by working towards her own understanding of what it means to be an image-maker. She is interested in rendering the personal experience in a way that acknowledges the earth’s complexity, dynamism, and how our own construction of the human condition can be ever changing.
Five Faces of Me
This family of women represents aspects of a fictionalized history, a false documentary with multiple foreign languages rooted in the tradition of the photographic process. The viewer is left to identify with the face most believable, and create a narrative around their personal choice.
“In an era where the image of the self is more ubiquitous than ever before, what does it mean to display the self? Where is the break between the self that is self contained within the body and the self that flows along digital lines? Contemporary technology offers up numerous ways of constructing the self. Does this cause our notion of ourselves to multiply or do these modes simply offer up avenues for expressing the unlimited ways of thinking about the self?? We are at a moment in history where the self is defined by one’s ability to navigate technology. The ubiquity of the computer in our society would encourage us to think about the self in relation to its presence. We have reached the Harraway moment. To think of the self is to think about the device. We are all cyborgs. How do we picture ourselves?”
James Nadeau, Curator of MEDIATE ME
website: Adriene Hughes
Instagram: adriene_hughes
Twitter: softservegirl
copyright © Adriene Hughes , all right reserved