Visitor // Vincent Ferrané

PHROOM magazine // international research platform and contemporary fine art photography and video art magazine // book review

After “Milky Way” Vincent Ferranè keeps to focus to the feminine’s mystery, and he portrays 17 young women artists while are working in their studios in Paris. As also the series’ title suggests us, the author is a “visitor”, a careful and innocent observer: he contemplates artwork under construction and its builder at the same […]

Milky Way // Vincent Ferrané

PHROOM magazine // online exhibition space dedicated to fine art contemporary photography // book review

I found Milky Way by Vincent Ferrane the first day of the NYABF and returned to it the second, enduring the brutal heat of the tiny room to look again. Three days of looking and I couldn’t buy a thing—I looked and looked, connecting with little. But for that book I stood in the stifling […]

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