Klavdia Balampanidou

PHROOM magazine // international research platform for contemporary photography and video art

PHROOM HOME Projects Interviews Book Reviews Essays Moving Images Authorials TV Exhibitions Artists Education Submission About Newsletter   KLAVDIA BALAMPANIDOU They Sing a Song Only You Can Hear   websiteinstagram The series They Sing a Song Only You Can Hear refers to an experiential situation and develops the problem that arises after an end and […]

Klavdia Balampanidou

  Klavdia Balampanidou (Clodia mp) was born in 1991 in a greek village of Avranlo, Georgia and grew up in Nicosia, Cyprus. Currently she is based in Thessaloniki, Greece. From Hand to Mouth This project show a specific mental situation based on intensity and at the same time attempts to explore issues of instability, fragility, anxiety […]

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